REES Corporate | REES

REES is a simple, secure online platform for reporting sexual harassment, misconduct and assault that can be customized to the unique needs of any workplace.

As an enterprise software, REES is an integral part of any Human Resource department or can function as a stand-alone option for small businesses. The platform can be tailored to the needs of any employer.

REES gathers critical data about prevalence, including unwanted sexual behaviours that often go unreported, which can be used to inform policy development, identify training gaps and enhance employer responses. It also provides essential information to employees about workplace policies and supports.

REES can be adapted for use across sectors and industries

Leading a Corporate Culture Shift

Employers are responsible for preventing and addressing sexual harassment, and may be liable for harassment which does occur, even if unaware the harassment was taking place. Workplace harassment is prevalent, and when not addressed, the harassment will often worsen and become more difficult to remedy as time goes on.

Sexual harassment in the workplace has significant negative impact on employees such as physical and mental health effects including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress.

Workplace sexual harassment can prevent people from doing their jobs effectively and reaching their full potential, thereby undermining their career advancement.

Impacts of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace:

  • Productivity losses
  • Increased Absenteeism
  • Increased Employee Turnover
  • Low-morale environment
  • Legal costs
  • Reputational Damage

With REES Corporate you can…

Support Employees

by promoting a respectful corporate culture.

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Reduce barriers

by offering a clear and comprehensive system for disclosure of sexual harassment, misconduct and assault.

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Reduce Liability

for employers responsible for preventing and addressing sexual harassment in the workplace

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Gather data

to inform Human Resource policies, identify workplace training needs, gaps in resources and supports

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Mitigate Costs

of sexual violence through increased accountability and transparency

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Compliment corporate governance

and shareholder activities with strategies and interventions to reduce sexual violence and create a more respectful workplace

Privacy is essential to the
work we do.

REES considers privacy in all aspects of software design. REES strives for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and is developed using the principles of Privacy by Design. All Data is stored in Canada.